

Welcome to my personal site to see sharing on omics data!

This is Sen Guo.

I am currently working as a Scientific employee on omics data analysis and integration. My main task is to set up analysis pipeline to analyze the omics data for immune disease, which will include expression, proteomics, epigenetics and other types of data. Collect a lot of papers on omics data analysis, while not finish reading them all ^_^. Daily play around with Linux, Perl, Python, R, containers/workflows(Docker/Singularity/snakemake)...

I have several years experience in omics data analysis:


    (FASTQC, Fastp, cutadapt; samtools, bowtie2, bwa, picard, GATK, deepvariant, ANNOVAR/SnpEff, bedtools, Bismark ...)

  • RNA-seq/scRNA-seq/Transcription factors-network

    (STAR, kallisto; EdgeR, DESeq2, Limma; CluterProfiler, Pathview; IPA, CARNIVAL ...)

  • Transposable elements

    (ERVmap, Telescope, TEtranscripts, LIONS;scTE, soloTE ...)

  • CHIP-seq

    (MACS2, HOMER, Meme, ChIPseeker ...)

  • ATAC-seq

    (deepTools, pyGenomeTracks ...)

  • ...
  • Omics data analysis is more and more important in revealing the disease mechanism, to identify the most promising disease markers, construct the regulatory networks/modules, developing treatment drugs...

    Good reviews: Review of omics data analysis tools

    Recent reserch on single cell omics: Decoding single-cell multiomics: scMaui

    Long term goal ==> Use data analysis/modeling, drug predition and development to improve people's health.

    You can also follow me on social media: